2. Tuition & Fee
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
1. Overview of GCS Programs
2. Tuition & Fee
> partner church

Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)
Master of Ministry
Biblical Studies
90 Credit for Chaplaincy /84 for Leadership Study(3-4 Year)
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.

4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360 I Tel. 770-878-7102

1. Message from the President
Today most Christians have observed and admitted that we live in the post-Christianity although they all do not agree with the definition; Christians felt that something went wrong in a post-Christian age: “the Orthodoxy Christian faith is denied,” “the Christian worldview disappeared in the public area,” and “the church declined and closed.” Generally speaking, after the term “post-Christian” was initially used in the work of German Philosopher Hermann Keyserling, who introduced the phrase ‘post- Christian’ in his America Set Free (1929), this term moved into the 1960s with the death of God’ movement,....

2. History of the Seminary
Dunwoody was officially incorporated as a city on December 1, 2008. The city provides quality service to its citizens and supports the largest economic engine in the Southeast. Dunwoody is a close and vibrant community that values family life and the entrepreneurial spirit. It supports and nurtures a community dedicated to the preservation of family, education, religious institutions, and the environment. Globe Covenant Seminary is nestled in this Southeast area of Atlanta; its reach extends to the four corners of the earth....

3.Mission Statement & Vision
Mission Statement
The mission of Globe Covenant Seminary exists to glorify God by educating the whole of God as transformed leaders to serve the church and the kingdom, based upon the authority of the inerrant Word of God, the Reformed Covenant faith and theology, and the works of the Holy Spirit so that they may be like Jesus Christ in their characters and ministries and then live and proclaim the Kingdom of God in the world.........

4. Educational Objectives [Learning Outcomes]
1. To educate students to glorify God through becoming Christ-likeness and transformed leaders in the covenant perspective, academic innovation, and transformation and kingdom leadership.
2. To train all students to live and ministered to God’s kingdom present in the atheistic and post-Christian world, which is called the missional living.
3. To articulate and promote a theology of the laity based on God’s covenant in doing theology, faith, and ministry in the contemporary context.......

5. Distinctive Philosophy of Education of GCS
GCS, the seminary rooted in Reformed covenant theology, stands for the restoration of biblical Christianity and has the following philosophy of education:
GCS is the Bible Centered seminary where the Bible plays a key role in doing theology and ministry as the society become atheistic and pluralistic, aiming at the glorification of God through restoring biblical Christianity.
GCS is God’s covenant centered seminary where the Bible is understood and interpreted in terms of God’s covenant, and Christian faith, theology, and the church will be freshly reformed, which calls for the paradigm shift of doing theology and ministry through re-interpreting the Bible in terms of God’s covenant.......

6.Our Core Values
Covenant Perspective
We believe that God’s ultimate purpose based on his covenant is the gathering of his people from every nation and the renewal of all things. He calls his church to active involvement with the world’s peoples and cultures to carry out the mission of bringing the gospel to those who do not believe and expressing Christ’s lordship across generations, geography, and into every area of life. His people have the covenantal duty to do its fulfillment in Christ and the Holy Spirit..........

7. Our Biblical and Theological Confessions
Globe Covenant Seminary is firmly based on the confessions of the Reformed theology -The Westminster Confession of Faith, The Larger and Shorter Catechism, or The Belgic Confession, The Cannon of Dort and Heidelberg Catechism. Particularly, our seminary refocuses and emphasizes Covenant theology as an essential part of Reformed church and theology............