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Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)

Old Testament


Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at the University of Chicago,IL
M.A. in Hebrew Bible at The University of Chicago, IL
M.Div. in General Studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. 
B.A., Philosophy at Seoul National University.


Associate Professor of Old Testament, Reformed Graduate University, Seoul, South Korea (2008-2020.2)
Visiting Scholar,  Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, KY, USA (2017). 
Society of Biblical Literature (2007-present)
Society of Asia Biblical Studies (2018-present)


Incubation as a Type-scene in the Aqhatu, Kirta and Hannah Stories: A Form-critical and Narratological Study of KTU 1.14 I-1.15 III, 1.17 I-II, and 1 Samuel 1:1-2:11. Brill: Leiden, 2011. “Three Kingdoms and David’s Rise to Kingship.” Journal of Asia Evangelical Theology 24 (2020): 5-19.“The Liturgy of Creation: Understanding Calendars in the Old Testament Context, by Michael LeFebvre,” Journal of Evangelical Theological Society 63 (2020): 174-176.“The Marks of Scripture: Rethinking the Nature of the Bible, by Daniel Castelo and Robert W. Wall.”  Themelios 44 (2019): 387-389.


Hyeon Woo Shin, Ph.D. (Visiting Scholar)

New Testament

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Byung-Ha KIM, Ph.D.

Old Testament


Ph.D. Biblical Studies, Sheffield University, Sheffield, England, 2004
M.A. Biblical Studies, Sheffield University, Sheffield, England, 1997
M.Div. Theology, Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea, 1991
B.A. Public Administration, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1988


Senior Pastor at Leeds Korean Church (from Feb. 2018 until Present)
Lecturer at Manchester International Christian College (U.K.)(from Dec. 2009 until Aug. 2018)
Assistant Professor at Westminster Graduate School of Theology(from Mar. 2005 until Jun. 2005) -
Full Time Lecturer at Westminster Graduate School of Theology (from Mar. 2003 until Feb. 2005) -
Part Time Lecturer at Graduate School of Theology in Cheonan University (from Sept. 2004 until Jun. 2005)


Byung Ha Kim, et. al., Ezra · Nehemiah (How Commentary Series 14; Seoul: Duranno Academy,
Byung Ha Kim, A Spiritualization of the Biblical Jubilee Elements (Seoul: The Christian Literature
Society of Korea, 2005)
Byung Ha Kim, “The Way to Overcome External Obstacles: Exegesis and Application on Nehemiah 6
-7”, The Word 189 (Seoul: Duranno, March 2005), pp. 39-47.
Byung Ha Kim, “Biblical Jubilee Elements and Jubilee Cycle”, Reformed Theology 14 (Seoul:
Westminster Publisher, 2003), pp. 39-50.


Hyeon Woo Shin, Ph.D. (Visiting Scholar)

New Testament


Hyeon Woo Shin, Ph.D. (Visiting Scholar)

New Testament


Ph.D. in New Testament Studies at Free University Amsterdam
Drs. Theol. in New Testament Studies and Semitic Languages at Free University Amsterdam
M.Div. at Chongshin Theological Seminary
B.A. in Philosophy at Seoul National University


Member of Society for New Testament Studies (2018 ~ present)
Associate Professor, Chongshin University (2018 ~ Present) 

Assistant  Professor, Chongshin University (2013 ~ 2018)
Associate Professor, Westminster Graduate School of Theology (2009 ~ 2013) 
Visiting Scholar, Tuebingen University (2006), Tyndale House (2010)


Textual Criticism and the Synoptic Problem in Historical Jesus Research, Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 36, Leuven: Peeters, 2004.
“Coherence and Textual Criticism in Mark 4:24,” Journal of Theological Studies 65/2, (2014) pp.425-432.
"The Historic Present as a Discourse Marker and Textual Criticism in Mark," The Bible Translator 63 (2012) pp.39-51.
“Methodological Similarity between Xunguxue and Biblical Exegesis,” in Fire in My Soul: Essays on Pauline Soteriology and the Gospels in Honor of Seyoon Kim, ed. by S. B. Choi and others (Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick, 2014) pp.277-297. 


Jang Hoon Park, Ph.D (Adjunct)

New Testament


PhD in New Testament Studies at the University of St. Andrews, UK.
MLitt in Scripture and Theology at the University of St. Andrews, UK.
MCS in New Testament Studies at Regent College, Vancouver, Canada.
​BA in Philosophy at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.


Lecturer, Baekseok University (2018–Present)
Adjunct Professor, Soongsil University (2017–19)
Adjunct Professor, Asia Center for Theological Studies (ACTS) (2017–19)
Adjunct Professor, Vancouver Institute For Evangelical Worldview (2016–2019)



Jae Hyun Lee, Ph.D

“A Contour of the 20th Century Scholarship on Paul’s Adam-Christ Comparison.”
Korean Journal of Christian Studies 117 (2020).

“Philo’s Understanding of Genesis 1-3 and the Origin of Sin and Death.” Korea New
Testament Studies 27/2 (2020): 549-80.

“Does Paul have ‘Heavenly Faith’?: A Study on Paul’s Understanding of Heaven as
Believer’s Dwelling Place.” Korea Reformed Theology 66 (2020): 60–88.

“The Identity of Death in 1 Corinthians 15:20–28: Understanding the Cosmic and Forensic Dimensions of Death in Paul.” Korean Evangelical New Testament Studies 19/1 (2020): 194–232.

“The New Testament as the Covenantal-Liturgical Consummation of the Canon?: A Critical Evaluation of Scott Hahn’s Biblical Theology of the New Testament” in Biblical Theology: Past, Present and Future.

Edited by Carey Walsh & amp; Mark Elliott. Eugene: Wipf & amp; Stock, 2016, 177–89.

Ecclesia and Ethics: Moral Formation and the Church. Edited by Jones III, E. Allen, John Frederick, 

John Anthony Dunne, Eric Lewellen, and Janghoon Park. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.



Ph.D. in New Testament Studies at McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada

M.T.S. in New Testament Studies at McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, ON, Canada

M.Div. at Korean Baptist Theological Seminary, Daejon, Korea

B.A. in Astronomy at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


Assistant Professor (Chaplain), Handong Global University, (2014-Present)

Adjunct Professor, Korean Baptist Theological Seminary (2010-2013)


Paul’s Gospel in Romans: A Discourse Analysis of Rom 1:16-8:39. Linguistic Biblical Studies, 3. Leiden: Brill Academic Press, 2010.

“We Need the Gospel: A Response to D. A. Campbell with Regard to Paul's Diagnosis of the Human Predicament,” in Stanley E. Porter and Hughson T. Ong (eds.) Is the Gospel Good News? McMaster New Testament Studies Series (Eugene: Pickwick press, 2018), 117-49

“‘Think’ and ‘do’ just like the role models: Paul’s teaching on Christian life in Philippians,” in Craig Evans, Lois Dow, and Andrew Pitts (eds.), The Language and Literature of the New Testament: Essays in Honour of Stanley E. Porter’s 60th Birthday (BI; Leiden: Brill Academic Press, 2017), 625-43.

“Günther Bornkamm and Redaction Criticism,” in Stanley E. Porter and Sean A. Adams (eds.), Pillars of Biblical Interpretation: Old and New. McMaster New Testament Studies Series (Eugene: Pickwick press, 2016), 322-42

“Richard B. Hays and a Narrative Approach to the Pauline Letters,” in Stanley E. Porter and Sean A. Adams (eds.), Pillars of Biblical Interpretation: Old and New. McMaster New Testament Studies Series (Eugene: Pickwick press, 2016), 421-40.

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Prof. Annette Kendall


PHD, ASSEMBLIES OF GOD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Biblical Interpretation and Theology, focusing on Old Testament. DECEMBER 2015
MDIV, NEW ORLEANS BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Acquired proficiency in Biblical Exposition, Christian Theological Heritage, Disciple Making and Interpersonal Skills.


Increased student learning by substitute teaching class. Also prepared class material such as power
points and other pertinent resources. Graded assignments and uploaded grades to Blackboard platform.

Operated Compressed Interactive Video equipment for classes offered as in-person/online hybrid format.

Facilitate student learning by preparing material and teaching based on provided curriculum. Also
provide supplementary resources for further study. Classes are conducted in online format.




  • Teaching adult Bible studies at Maranatha Community Church, Frederick MD, and First Baptist Church of Woodstock, Woodstock GA.

  • Develop and teach Bible-based curriculum at His House Recovery Ministries, Kennesaw GA.

  • Peer counseling and mentoring at The Hope Center, Woodstock GA, an abortion alternative ministry.

  • Mentoring incarcerated men and women through Crossroads Prison Ministries.


  •  Society of Biblical Literature

  •  Institute for Biblical Research.


4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360


©2020 by Globe Covenant Seminary. 

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