2. Tuition & Fee
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
1. Overview of GCS Programs
2. Tuition & Fee
> partner church

Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)
Master of Ministry
Biblical Studies
90 Credit for Chaplaincy /84 for Leadership Study(3-4 Year)
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.

4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360 I Tel. 770-878-7102
History of the Seminary
Dunwoody was officially incorporated as a city on December 1, 2008. The city provides quality service to its citizens and supports the largest economic engine in the Southeast. Dunwoody is a close and vibrant community that values family life and the entrepreneurial spirit. It supports and nurtures a community dedicated to the preservation of family, education, religious institutions, and the environment. Globe Covenant Seminary is nestled in this Southeast area of Atlanta; its reach extends to the four corners of the earth.
In March 2015, the establishment of Globe Covenant Seminary was planned by Dr. Luther Jeom Ok Kim, who has long committed himself to the confession and innovative practice of covenant theology for training qualified ministers wholly committed to ministering to the church and the world in a glocal, atheistic and pluralistic age.
In February 2017, in this vision, he found Christian research institute- Covenant Theology Innovation Research, Inc., the non-profit organization in Atlanta, GA, and opened some seminars regarding covenant ministry in an atheistic society and collect data regarding the religious situation. He realized that this age was callous to educate pastors and Christian leaders. After two years for doing research on
the religious and spiritual context of this age and Christian schools and collecting and analyzing the data, he reaffirmed that God’s covenant is a radical response and a great strategy to educate Christian leaders and lead the world in the Jesus' way. Finally, the seminary establishment committee was formed and has worked hard to create the seminary catalog to cover emergent issues and needs of the Christian school and programs designed to satisfy the needs of the day with a perspective of God's covenant and submitted the initial application for the religious exemption approval of Georgia Non-profit Post- Secondary in 2018.
The vision of the seminary is to train Christlike and transformed Christian leaders through equipping students with spiritual and academic excellence based on covenant theology and perspectives for authentic and effective faith, theology, church ministers, and missions in the context of a global, pluralistic, atheistic and post-Christian society. Its uniqueness is to refocus on introducing and reinterpreting God’s covenant as a radical response to the context of an unbelieving society, do the paradigm shift of Christian ministry & mission, and build a bridge between the Non-west and the West academically and missiologically through covenant perspectives for world mission. As this contemporary age changes to be global, atheistic and pluralistic, and become old aged, the seminary needs to develop a new strategy to defend Christian faith and dialogue with the atheistic society and approach the old age society - covenant perspective, kingdom life & leadership, experiential learning, lay ministry, re-educating the older age [senior], and so on. Based on this emphasis, GCS decided to open the following programs- BABTS program, MDIV program with Chaplaincy/Leadership, MA in the 3rd Age Senior Christian Education, MA in Christian Counseling, MA in Christian Intercultural
Studies and Mission, MA in Biblical and Exegetical Studies, and Ph.D. in Christian Intercultural Studies with the specialty of Leadership Studies/ Integrative Covenant Theology&Ministry.
All programs GCS provides, which are essential to achieve the mission statement of GCS, are pivoted on the centrality of the covenantal word of God and the theology of the laity with interdisciplinary approaches to all disciplines with the Experiential Learning Model through all life of all believers. GCS’s students are not merely taught in the classroom, rather they are encouraged to engage in participative learning environments, gain knowledge from the ministry practitioners, and take full advantage of programs designed to enhance their learning experience. GCS is an institution of higher learning like no other. The joy of being a part of and a partner with GCS stems from the success of the students as they commence to enter a world that feasts on ability, knowledge, and complementary skill sets. Upon
graduation from GCS, the graduate will be equipped for living authentic faith and doing ministry in the world and impact change wherever his or her feet may tread.
It is worthy to note that our seminary has a partnership with Crossroads Church of Dunwoody (Rev. Chris Jordan, senior pastor) which has a strong commitment to God’s covenant where it confesses the covenant centered ministry in
“Having been led, as we believe, by the Spirit of God to acknowledge Christ as Savior and Lord, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we do now in the presence of God and this assembly, most solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with one another as one Body in Christ.”
Through this partnership, our seminary forwards to be a missional agent to share the covenant faith, theology, and mission in the USA, representing the Western world and church as well. We hope that our seminary maybe both the spiritual training center of God’s people in local churches and the academic center of Christian theology with emphasis on covenant perspectives, academic innovation and
transformation and kingdom leadership to train 21st century transformed leader to “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”(2 Cor 10:4)
Finally January 9, 2020, GCS was approved as a religious exemption school by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220 Tucker, Georgia 30084-5305, Notice of Exemption Status #7877E. Globe Covenant Seminary has complied with the requirements of O.C.G.A. § 20-3-250.3 (a)(6) by meeting reporting requirements. The institution is subject to compliance with all other statutory provisions of the Official Code of Georgia, annotated.
GCS believes that only God leads us into the fulfillment of His covenant through His people becoming "Kingdom and priests"(Ex 19:6) in Jesus Christ Be Glory to God alone!