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Our Core Values  

Covenant Perspective
We believe that God’s ultimate purpose based on his covenant is the gathering of his people from every nation and the renewal of all things. He calls his church to active involvement with the world’s peoples and cultures to carry out the mission of bringing the gospel to those who do not believe and expressing Christ’s lordship across generations, geography, and into every area of life. His people have the covenantal duty to do its fulfillment in Christ and the Holy Spirit.  


The Bible Authority for Biblical Christianity 
We believe the Bible is the Word of the living God and therefore it is our only infallible rule of faith, theology, and practice. We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit, and thus we affirm the inerrancy of the original manuscripts whose objective truth it is our responsibility to interpret and proclaim in accord with the principles of Scripture, resulting in the restoration of biblical Christianity, 

Christ-Centered Faith and Ministry
We believe that a seminary education is successful only if, at its end, the student knows Jesus Christ more intimately than anything else at its beginning. Our approach to faith and ministry training finds both its source and its goal in the person and work of Christ—and in the knowledge that the ultimate end of one’s education is not for oneself alone, but for the sake of the church and the glory of God.

The Power of the Holy Spirit                     
We believe that God and Jesus Christi sent the Holy Spirit to implement the gospel and world mission by empowering his man and woman for sanctified transformation and guidance of the mission. Most importantly, he works beyond human ability and knowledge. In particular, the nine gifts and fruit of the Holy Spirit are two examples of his powerful demonstrating works.  

Transformation Focus
We believe that the teaching of knowledge is only part of our seminary education. Its core is that through education, students must be transformed both in and out of the classroom  to be Christ-like so that the entire character of the student—head, hands, and heart—might be transformed for learning, living and ministry.

Lay Ministry Training for God’s Covenantal Calling  
We believe that our primary task is to train all believers for the implementation of God’s covenant. All believers are “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God”. Our seminary tries to educate students to implement the duty of all believers from God’s covenant. To involve all lay ministries in God’s kingdom work, we have gathered a faculty of pastor-scholars who are not only first-rate educators but also experienced ministry practitioners.

 Leadership for Kingdom 
We believe that, as the seminary for doing glocal ministry, it is our responsibility to provide kingdom leadership training that is grounded in the kingdom of God with emphasis on the context of the 21st global and pluralistic context for the next generation of Christian servants for effective ministry in a changing world. Glocal leadership is to think globally and locally. It finally moves toward his kingdom. 

Experiential Learning in Real Life

Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through a cycle of four stages: of (1) having a concrete experience followed by (2) observation of and reflection on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of abstract concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) which are then (4) used to test the hypothesis in future situations, resulting in new experiences. True knowledge and action come from experimental learning. This learning happens without a teacher anywhere and anytime.  
Radical Response to the post-Christian Culture 
We believe that our mission is to train students to radically and effectively respond to an atheistic and pluralistic society—including other religions, globalization, relativism, New Age and post-secularism. For this, we need to diagnose the culture of post-Christian age, research its values, beliefs, customs, and practices and create various innovative models of ministry and mission through reinterpreting and implementing God’s covenant to contextualize, adapt to and transform the age. 

Local Church partnership 
We believe that the local church is the center of God’s plan of salvation and needs to be reformed and holy in terms of God’s holiness. The seminary helps the local church to do her mission and wor together for the evangelism of the world. 

Academic Innovation with a biblical interdisciplinary approach 

Academic Innovation with a biblical interdisciplinary approach 
We believe that the theology of God includes all things in the world because He created the world and exist for his glory. Academic innovation interprets all disciplines based on the teachings of the Bible as God’s revelation and applies the findings to every area of the whole life.  Academic innovation comes from a biblical reinterpretation of and application to all issues, which calls for interdisciplinary approaches.  


4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360


©2020 by Globe Covenant Seminary. 

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