2. Tuition & Fee
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
1. Overview of GCS Programs
2. Tuition & Fee
> partner church

Koowon Kim, Ph.D (Adjunct)
Master of Ministry
Biblical Studies
90 Credit for Chaplaincy /84 for Leadership Study(3-4 Year)
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.
2. Tuition & Fee
Tuition and fees, including all charges and/or fees that may be incurred by the student for each approved program.

4805 Tilly Mill Road, Dunwoody, GA 30360 I Tel. 770-878-7102

Seock Ho Mun, Th.D, D MIN.
Christian Spirituality

Suk Ho Moon, Th.D, D MIN.
Christian Spirituality
Th.D at Stellenbosch University, South Africa
DMIN at Fuller Theological Seminary
MDIV at Western Theological Seminary
BA in theology at Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea
Director of Korean DMIN, New York Theological Seminary(2020 present)
Director of Korean MDIV & DMIN, Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS)
Professor, Chongshin University (1987 -2007)
Along the Way: Faith and Intelligence (Qumran Publishing, 2012)
Being and Think (Chongshin University Pub, 1993)

Hye Sook Chung, Ph.D
Christian Counseling & Logotherapy
Ph.D in Christian Counseling at Trinity College of the Bible and Trinity Theological Seminary,
MA in Counseling, Chiungshin University, Seoul, Korea
BA , Chongshin University, Seoul, Korea
Instructor, Chongshin University (2015)
Certificate, Biblical Counseling Center (ArilingtonHts, IL, USA)
“Study on the NecessityandQualifications of Lay Counselors in Local Church”( Korean Association of Biblical Counseling, 2015)
“The Ministry and Role of the Holy Spirit inthe Biblical Counseling” (Korean Association of Biblical Counseling, 2014)
Biblical Qualifications, Skills and Theological Foundations for Lay Counselors
in Local Church (Trinity Press Publishing, 2013)
Comparative Study on Carl R. Rogers and Jay E. Adams in terms of Counseling Theory (M.A Thesis, ChongshinUniveristy, 1989)

Jeong Ok RYU, Ph.D
Social Welfare & Works
Ph.D in Social Welfare Public Administration, MOKPO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY
Ph.D in Chemical Engineering, MYONGJI UNIVERSITY.
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, MYONGJI UNIVERSITY
Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering, MYONGJI UNIVERSITY
Associate Professor, CHONGSHIN UNIVERSITY 2013.3.1.-2020.2.7.,
Planing& Coordination (Vice President), CHONGSHIN UNIVERSITY (2018-2020)
The Garden of Prophets in the Willderness Dreading of the Exdous (Cham Pub, 2020)

Soon Ok Lee, Ph.D
Christian Education
Ph.D. The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kentucky), 2007
Th.M. Calvin Theological Seminary (Michigan), 2002
M.Div. Chongshin Theological Seminary, 1995
Diploma. Toronto Baptist Theological Seminary, 1997
B.A.CalvinCollege (Seoul), 1986
Lecturer, Chongshin Theological Seminary & College (Seoul Korea), 2009-20
Lecture, Calvin Theological Seminary & College (Kyonggi-do Korea), 2014-20
The Relationship Between Moral Development and Faith Maturity in the Korean Presbyterian Church(Presentation). Korean Reformed Theology, Mar. 2010.
Reformed Church Education for Recovering Morality in the Korean Church(Presentation). Church Mission Academy, Dec. 2010.
Design for Youth Curriculum and Teacher Education (Presentation). Comenius Academy, Aug. 2011.
The Partnership between Small Church and Big Household: Educational Ministry for Household as a Small Church(Article). Korean Society for Christian Education & Information Technology, Mar. 2017
Creative Bible Teaching (Translation) Gerizim, Aug. 2010.

HeeDuck Yoo, Ph.D
Biblical Studies/ Homiletics
Ph.D, Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (2014)
Th.M. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (2008)
M.Div, Liberty University (2006)
B.A, Teajeon Baptist Theological Seminary (2000)
Academic Affairs, Reformed University
Academic Affairs, Underwood
University GA (2015-2018)
Adjunct Faculty: Mid-Western Theological Seminary.
Adjunct Faculty: Mid-West Theological Seminary
Adjunct Faculty: Central Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Topic: A Critical Analysis of the Preaching Methodology of Prominent Emergent Preachers In the Light of 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2
Translation publication(From English to Korean): Power in the Pulpit: How to Ministry Prepare and Deliver Expository Sermons (Jerry Vines and Jim Shaddix).
Translation Publication(From English to Korean): Pastoral Ministry (Deron J. Biles)

Dr. John Hwong, Th.D
Biblical Theology, Evangelism and Mission
Th.D. Boston University School of Theology
Th.M. Asbury Theological Seminary (Evangelism and Mission)
M.Div. Seoul Theological University ( New Testament)
M.A. Asbury Theological Seminary ( Biblical Theology)
B.A. Korea University ( English Literature and Language)
Teaching Experience
3/09 - 6/12 Sundo Kimg Chair of Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary
7/08 - 2/09 Professor of Evangelism, Asbury Theological Seminary
3/07 – 6/08 J.B. & Bette Crouse Chair of Evangelism, Seoul Theological University,
Bucheon City, Korea
3/90 - 8/06 Professor of Evangelism, Seoul Theological University
2/01 - 2/02 Beeson Scholar in Residence, Asbury Theological Seminary
9/81 - 8/83 Adjunct Professor, Graduate School of Bangkok Bible College
Bangkok, Thailand
3/80 - 8/81 Lecturer, Seoul Theological Seminary, Bucheon City, Korea
1/80 - 2/80 Visiting Professor, Madras Bible Seminary, Madras, India
Ministry Experience
4/94-present Director of World Evangelization Research Center
10/97-10/99 Chair of Society of Evangelical Theology of Practice in
6/96-10/99 Founded Open Evangelical Holiness Church , Seoul, Korea
1/86-2/90 Founding Pastor of Korean Hope Church of Boston
Boston, Massachusettes
9/81-8/83 Missionary of Korea Evangelical Holiness Church to
5/81 Ordained as Minister by Korea Evangelical Holiness Church
3/79-8/81 Minister of Education at Sin Cheon Evangelical Holiness
3/72-8/81 Director of Total Impact Evangelism of OMS International, Inc. Seoul,
9/77-12/77 Teaching Assistant to Dr. Robert Coleman , Asbury Theological Seminary,
Wilmore, Kentucky
1. In Korean
1) The Role of the Holy Spirit for Salvation (2023)
2) The Blood of Jesus Christ: Fact·Salvation·Power (2023)
3) Meet Biblical Challenges (2022)
4) My Lord, My Life (2022)
5) Propitiation (2021)
6) The Lamb and the Bride: Revelation in a New Approach (2021)
7) Salvation & Sanctification Put Forth in the Book of Romans (2019)
8) A Holy Life, A Love Life: Exposition of First John (2018)
2. In English
1) A Collection of Life Stories (2022)
2) Born of the Spirit (2013)
3) The Jewish Festivals and Jesus Christ (2012)
4) The Genealogy of Jesus Christ: Evangelistic Sermons on the Covenant from Matthew 1:1 (2010)
5) The Great Commission: Its Biblical Meaning and Application (2009)
6) John Wesley, the Evangelist (2006)
3. Editing
1) The Theology of Evangelism (2006)
2) How I Met Jesus (1999)-in English
3) Introduction to Evangelical Theology of Practice (1999)
4) How I Met Jesus (1996)
5) Conversion: Its Meaning and Application (1994)
6) Missional Method for Buddhism (1993)
7) Mission World (1992)